Daniel Jensen born 1972 in Malmö, Daniel lives and works in Stockholm today. He is educated at the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo.

Daniel Jensen born 1972 in Malmö, Daniel lives and works in Stockholm today. He is educated at the Norwegian Academy of Fine Arts, Oslo.



Daniel Jensen’s sculptures, paintings, and drawings explore issues related to fractal urban structure and detritus which witness our existence.

His broader artistic practice is allied with subjects like imperfection, failure, and transformation. The artist’s ”objet trouvé” alternate between the recognizable and the abstract where under esteemed perishable materials are assembled in poised and fragile compositions.

These works have a poetic and liberating non-hierarchal expression without the concept of any specific narrative, which constitutes changes in our perception of utility, lifespan, and status. His works are entwined and unconstrained, placing the viewer in an odd state of amusement, wonder, and contemplation.

For more info visit danieljensen.se

Works & Exhibitions