Marcus Mårtenson
Marcus Mårtenson
Surveillance Games
15 April - 8 May 2021
More info Arsenalgatan3
For the exhibition at Arsenalsgatan 3, Mårtenson’s body of work has dwelled deep into the human psyche, and the gaming psychology cues that our social media tools use for our continued engagement, what Professor Shoshana Zuboff calls 'the age of surveillance capitalism’. Mårtenson draws you in, with bright pastel crayon primary colours, catchy slogans, and always so poignant in his work, with a tongue in cheek double review.
Surveillance Games uses what we can all recognize as the now infamous game Monopoly created by Lizie Magie in 1904, in part as an educational tool to deter away from the perils of landlord monopolies, and capitalism. Mårtenson, engages using the hints of the familiarity of the boardgame to inform the multiple ways in which our internet conglomerates are working with our engagement in an entirely unregulated sphere. How has that changed us as individuals, socially and philosophically? Our intake of information is no longer under our control, it can be avoided or multiplied with its reposting, and it can be whatever or however you want it to be.
CANDLE, 2020
Marcus Mårtenson, Surveillance Games, 2021
Marcus Mårtenson, Surveillance Games, 2021